Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 6 ~ Algebra ~ February 10-14

Monday:  Today we learned to graph quadratic equations using vertex form.  It can be tricky.  Watch the video for a little more help or come and see me.  Homework is a  worksheet that can be found in my class if you need it!

Tuesday:  Due to the AVID field trip and about half of the algebra students being gone today, we had a study hall in class.  Students had the time to work on missing work or test corrections.  There was no new homework tonight.

Wednesday:  Today we looked at intercept form for graphing quadratic equations.  Video.  Homework is Pg 621, # 3-5, 9-12.

Thursday:  Today we learned about how to solve a quadratic inequality.  We'll be revisiting this lesson after break!  Homework is the Inequality worksheet you were given in class!

Friday:  Today we took a group quiz in class.  We also turned in this week's homework and notes.


Week 6 ~ Math 8 ~ February 10-14

Monday:  Today we looked at point slope form for graphing linear equations.  You can watch this VIDEO to get a little bit of extra help.  Homework is the Point-Slope WS.  If you need another copy, you can find it in my room on the Worksheet Wall.

Tuesday:  Today we continued with Point-Slope Form with graphing.  How To Video  Homework is the Point-Slope Graphing WS.  As always, you can find it in my classroom!

Wednesday:  Today we did Task 3 in class together.  All students should have turned this in before they left for the day.  Homework is the attached worksheet.  It is also available in my class. Wednesday Homework

Thursday:  Today we learned about function notation.  Homework was pg 428 # 3-9, 11-16.

Friday:  Today we turned in this week's homework as well as notes.  We also did Task 4 in class.  All students should have finished it.  Those who didn't will need to turn it in the Monday after break!


Monday, February 3, 2014

Algebra ~ Week 5 ~ February 3-7

Monday:  Today we corrected our quiz from Friday in class.  Students will get these back tomorrow.  We also began looking at the quadratic formula.  Your homework is to memorize the formula for tomorrow's lesson.  Here is a quick song to help you out!  Quadratic Formula Song

Tuesday:  Today was focused on how to use the quadratic formula.  Homework is Pg 652 # 9-17

Wednesday:  Today was spent with more practicing of the Quadratic formula.  Remember that it is OK to use a calculator, you just need to be sure you're showing what numbers you plug in!  Homework, Pg 653 # 19-29 odd.

Thursday:  Today we worked on Task 2 in class.  Most students were able to finish in before class was out.  Those who didn't need to finish it for homework. Task 2 Worksheet

Friday:  Today we took a quiz.  Homework is to be sure all your missing work and test corrections are turned in .  All missing work is due by Thursday, February 13 at 3:30.

Math 8 ~ Week 5 ~ February 3 - 7

Monday:  Today we reviewed how to find the slope of a line when we have a graph.  Homework is a slope worksheet that can be found in my class if you've lost it.  The only change is that you need to find each slope 2 times to show that the slope is the same no matter which points you choose.

Tuesday:  Today we reviewed finding slope when you are given 2 points.  Remember there are 2 methods:  Plot the points and count or follow the steps from your notes.  Homework is the worksheet you were given in class.  We spent quite a bit of time working on it in class so finishing it should be no trouble!

Wednesday: Today we looked at ways slope is used in the real world.  Our focus was mostly on rate of change.  Remember that since we are talking about a rate, you need to include measurements for each number.  Homework is the Rate of Change Worksheet.

Thursday:  Today we did task 2 together in class.  All students should have turned it in before they left the class period.  Absent students will have a chance to make it up next week.

Friday:  Today we took a quiz on rate of change.  Period 1 students have homework on pg 810 # 15-20, 23  & 24.  Period 6 has the assignment of getting all missing work caught up.  Remember that all missing work is due by Thursday, February 13!